University of Colorado Denver Campus Box 109, PO Box 173364 Denver, CO 80217 Office: Lawrence St. Center LW812
Email: min.choi (at)
Prof. Min Choi received his M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Iowa in 1996 and 1999 respectively. His research interests are in Computer Graphics, Physically-based Modeling and Simulation, Scientific Visualization and Human Computer Interaction in VR, and medical applications. Currently, he is the Director of Computer Graphics and VR Laboratory and the Co-Director of the Comcast Media and Technology Center.
Dr. Choi received the NSF CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation in 2003. In 2006, he received the CU Denver campus award for Excellence in Research and Creative Activities. His research was supported by funding from the National Science Foundation, National Institute of Health, Silicon Graphics, Alzheimer's Association, CASI, Laser Tech, and Microsoft. He has been on grant review panels at NSF and NIH and he's been active in professional societies as international conference chairs and journal editorial board members.