@inproceedings{ transue_expiratory_flow_2023, Author = Shane Transue,Se Dong Min,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Expiratory Flow and Volume Estimation Through Thermal-CO2 Imaging, Year = 2023, Booktitle = IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering }
@inproceedings{ va_real-time_surface-based_volume_2023, Author = Hongly Va,Min-Hyung Choi,Min Hong, Title = Real-Time Surface-Based Volume Constraints on Mass-Spring Model in Unity3D, Year = 2023, Booktitle = IEEE Access Volume: 11 }
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@inproceedings{ transue_non-invasive_vision-based_2023, Author = S. Transue,O. Diala,N. Friedman,A. C. Halbower,M. Choi, Title = Behavioral Analysis of Airway Deformation during Drug Induced Sleep Endoscopy, Year = 2023, Booktitle = OVERCOMING OBSTACLES: APPROACHES TO PEDIATRIC SLEEP SCREENING AND TREATMENT }
@inproceedings{ va_real-time_volume_2022, Author = Hongly Va,Min-Hyung Choi,Min Hong, Title = Real-time volume preserving constraints for volumetric model on GPU, Year = 2022, Booktitle = Computers, Materials & Continua }
@inproceedings{ va_parallel_cloth_2022, Author = Hongly Va,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Parallel Cloth Simulation Using OpenGL Shading Language, Year = 2022, Booktitle = Computer Systems Science & Engineering, Volume = 41, Pages = 427-443 }
@inproceedings{ moon_robust_skin_microrelief_2022, Author = Cho-I Moon,Onseok Lee,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Robust skin microrelief depth estimation using a mobile stereo system, Year = 2022, Booktitle = Skin Research and Technology, Month = November, Volume = 28, Pages = 815-826 }
@inproceedings{ oagaz_ijhcs_2022, Author = Hawkar Oagaz,Breawn Schoun,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Real-time posture feedback for effective motor learning in table tennis in virtual reality, Year = 2022, Booktitle = International Journal of Human - Computer Studies }
@inproceedings{ transue_behavioral_2021, Author = Shane Transue,Kevin Macfarlane,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Behavioral Analysis of Airway Deformation during Drug Induced Sleep Endoscopy, Year = 2021, Booktitle = IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics 2021 }
[ Bibtex ]
@inproceedings{ kusram_icip_2021, Author = Kushal Kusram,Shane Transue,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Two-Phase Multimodal Image Fusion using Convolutional Neural Networks, Year = 2021, Booktitle = IEEE International Conference on Image Processing }
@inproceedings{ oagaz_tvcg_2021, Author = Hawkar Oagaz,Breawn Schoun,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Performance Improvement and Skill Transfer in Table Tennis Through Training in Virtual Reality, Year = 2021, Booktitle = IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics }
@inproceedings{ schoun_icir_2021, Author = Breawn Schoun,Hawkar Oagaz,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Corner-based Square Fiducial Marker Detection for Hand-manipulated AR Objects, Year = 2021, Booktitle = IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Reality 2021 }
@inproceedings{ wang_activity_2020, Author = Changwon Wang,Young Kim,Seung Hyun Lee,Nak-Jun Sung,Se Dong Min,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Activity and Safety Recognition using Smart Work Shoes for Construction Worksite, Year = 2020, Booktitle = KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems 2020 }
@inproceedings{ kim_development_2020, Author = Dae Gyeom Kim,Changwon Wang,Jong Gab Ho,Se Dong Min,Young Kim,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Development and feasibility test of a capacitive belt sensor for noninvasive respiration monitoring in different postures, Year = 2020, Booktitle = CHASE Smart Health 16 (2020) }
@inproceedings{ bre_sensors_19, Author = Breawn Schoun,Shane Transue,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Non-contact Medium-based Respiratory Analysis through Reinforced Hybrid Model, Year = 2019, Booktitle = IEEE SENSORS 2019, Month = October }
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@inproceedings{ shane_icra_19, Author = Shane Transue,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Generative Deformation: Procedural Perforation for Elastic Structures, Year = 2019, Booktitle = IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2019, Month = February }
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@inproceedings{ Hawkar_BHI_JOURNAL_18, Author = Hawkar Oagaz,Breawn Schoun,Manpreet Pooji,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Neurocognitive Assessment in Virtual Reality Through Behavioral Response Analysis, Year = 2019, Booktitle = IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics , Month = November }
@inproceedings{ Bre_CHASE_18, Author = Breawn Schoun,Shane Transue,Ann C. Halbower,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Non-Contact Tidal Volume Measurement through Thin Medium Thermal Imaging, Year = 2018, Booktitle = IEEE/ACM CHASE 2018, Month = May }
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@inproceedings{ Shane_BHI_18, Author = Shane Transue,Sayed Mohsin Reza,Ann C. Halbower,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Behavioral Analysis of Turbulent Exhale Flows, Year = 2018, Booktitle = IEEE Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics 2018, Month = March }
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@inproceedings{ Shane_Health_Journal_18, Author = Shane Transue,Phuc Nguyen,Tam Vu,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Volumetric Reconstruction of Thermal-depth Fused 3D Models for Occluded Body Posture Estimation, Year = 2018, Booktitle = Smart Health Journal 2018, Month = March }
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@inproceedings{ Breawn_BHI_18, Author = Breawn Schoun,Shane Transue,Ann C. Halbower,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Non-Contact Comprehensive Breathing Analysis using Thermal Thin Medium, Year = 2018, Booktitle = IEEE Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics 2018, Month = March, Pages = TBD }
@inproceedings{ VRINSOLE_HAWKAR, Author = Hawkar Oagaz,Anurag Sable,Min-Hyung Choi,Feng Lin, Title = VRInsole: An Unobtrusive and Immersive Mobility Training System for Stroke Rehabilitation, Year = 2018, Booktitle = IEEE Conference on Body Sensor Networks 2018, Month = March }
@inproceedings{ Shane_ICONI_17, Author = Shane Transue,Yi Li,Nak-Jun Sung,Yoo-Joo Choi,Min Hong,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Coherent Behavior with Level-of-detail in Cloth Simulation, Year = 2017, Booktitle = 9th International Conference on Internet Multimedia, Image Processing, HCI and Intelligent Systems, Month = December }
@inproceedings{ CHOI_ICONI_17, Author = Min-Hyung Choi,Min Sang Kim,Nak-Jun Sung,Yoo-Joo Choi,Min Hong, Title = Comparison in Performance of Parallel Deformable Object Simulation between OpenGL and Unity, Year = 2017, Booktitle = 9th International Conference on Internet Multimedia, Image Processing, HCI and Intelligent Systems, Month = December }
@inproceedings{ Breawn_PyHPC_17, Author = Breawn Schoun,Shane Transue,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Real-time Thermal Medium-based Breathing Analysis with Python, Year = 2017, Booktitle = International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Month = November }
@inproceedings{ Breawn_CEWIT_17, Author = Breawn Schoun,Shane Transue,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Non-Contact Thermal Medium-Based Breathing Analysis, Year = 2017, Booktitle = Center of Excellence in Wireless and Information Technology Conference, Month = November }
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@inproceedings{ Transue_CHASE_17, Author = Shane Transue,Phuc Nguyen,Tam Vu,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Thermal-Depth Fusion for Occluded Body Skeletal Posture Estimation, Year = 2017, Booktitle = Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems, and Engineering (CHASE), Month = July, Pages = 167-176 }
@inproceedings{ choi_KTIIS_17, Author = Soo Kyun Kim,Shin-Jin Kang,Yoo-Joo Choi,Min-Hyung Choi,Min Hong, Title = Augmented-Reality Survey: from Concept to Application, Year = 2017, Booktitle = Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Month = February }
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@inproceedings{ Phuc_WikiSpiro_16, Author = Phuc Nguyen,Shane Transue,Min-Hyung Choi,Ann C. Halbower,Tam Vu, Title = WiKiSpiro: Non-contact Respiration volume Monitoring during Sleep, Year = 2016, Booktitle = The ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, Month = October }
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@inproceedings{ Transue_CHASE_16, Author = Shane Transue,Phuc Nguyen,Tam Vu,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Real-time Tidal Volume Estimation using Iso-surface Reconstruction, Year = 2016, Booktitle = Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems, and Engineering (CHASE), Month = June, Pages = 209-218 }
@inproceedings{ choi_KTIIS_16, Author = HwaMin Lee,Se Dong Min,Min-Hyung Choi,DaeWon Lee, Title = Multi-Agent System for Fault Tolerance in Wireless Sensor Networks, Year = 2016, Booktitle = Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, Month = March }
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@inproceedings{ Transue_ISVC_15, Author = S. Transue,M. Choi, Title = Deformable Object Behavior Reconstruction Derived through Simultaneous Geometric and Material Property Estimation, Year = 2015, Booktitle = International Symposium on Visual Computing }
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@inproceedings{ Transue_GRAPP_15, Author = S. Transue,M. Choi, Title = Interactive Control of Deformable-object Animations through Control Metaphor Pattern Adherence, Year = 2015, Booktitle = International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications }
@inproceedings{ choi_SYMMETRY_15, Author = HwaMin Lee,Doo-Soon Park,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = A Development of Hybrid Drug Information System Using Image Recognition, Year = 2015, Booktitle = Symmetry - Open Access Journal, Month = January }
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@inproceedings{ Transue_ISVC_14, Author = S. Transue,M. Choi, Title = Intuitive Alignment of Point-Clouds with Painting-Based Feature Correspondence, Year = 2014, Booktitle = International Symposium on Visual Computing }
@inproceedings{ Alonso_Automatic_14, Author = Alejandro Alonso,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Automatic Range Scan Point Cloud Registration using Hierarchical Levels and Feature Recognition Filters, Year = 2014, Booktitle = 16th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics, Month = August, Pages = 203-214 }
@inproceedings{ choi_Estimating_14, Author = Min-Hyung Choi,Steven C. Wilber,Min Hong, Title = Estimating Material Properties of Deformable Objects by Considering Global Object Behavior in Video Streams, Year = 2014, Booktitle = International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications, Month = April, Volume = 69 }
@inproceedings{ choi_JSC_14, Author = Min-Hyung Choi,Mohammed Bahni Alquzi,Min Hong, Title = Assessment of human perceptual sensitivity to physically non-conforming motion in virtual environments, Year = 2014, Booktitle = Journal of Super Computing, Month = April }
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@inproceedings{ Transue_IPCV_13, Author = S. Transue,M. Choi, Title = Enhanced Pre-conditioning Algorithm for the Accurate Alignment of 3D Range Scans, Year = 2013, Booktitle = International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, & Pattern Recognition }
@inproceedings{ choi_JIT_13, Author = Jae-Hong Jeon,Min Hong,Min-Hyung Choi,Young-Sik Jeong, Title = Hierarchical Bounding Sphere FFD-AABB Algorithm for Fast Collision Handing of 3D Deformable Objects on Smart Devices, Year = 2013, Booktitle = Journal of Internet Technology, Month = October }
@inproceedings{ choi_IJCGA_13, Author = Son Duong,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Interactive Full-Body Motion Capture Using Infrared Sensor Network, Year = 2013, Booktitle = International Journal of Computer Graphics & Animation, Month = October }
@inproceedings{ choi_JIPS_12, Author = JaeHong Jeon,Min-Hyung Choi,Min Hong, Title = Enhanced FFD-AABB Collision Algorithm for Deformable Objects, Year = 2012, Booktitle = Journal of Information Processing Systems, Month = December }
@inproceedings{ Jung_Collision_11, Author = S. Jung,M. Hong,M. Choi, Title = Collision Handling for Free-Form Deformation Embedded Surface, Year = 2011, Booktitle = Image Processing Journal, Volume = 5, Pages = 341-348 }
@inproceedings{ Abraham_Optimization_11, Author = Shaila Abraham,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Optimization of Collision Handling based on Differential Thresholds of Human Perception, Year = 2011, Booktitle = Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality, Month = July }
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@inproceedings{ Pelak_Visuospatial_11_1, Author = Pelak VS,Choi M,Jung S,Halliday B,Hager E,Klepitskaya O,Ojemann S,Filley C,Dubin M, Title = Visuospatial Assessment By Virtual 3D Radial Optic Flow Illusion In Healthy Aging, Mild Alzheimer Disease (AD), And Pre-Deep-Brain Stimulation (DBS) Parkinson Disease (PD) Subjects. Abstract A-316-0002-01523, Year = 2011, Booktitle = 10th Annual International Conference on Alzheimer and Parkinson Disease, Month = March }
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@inproceedings{ Pelak_Visuospatial_11_2, Author = Pelak VS,Choi M,Jung S,Halliday B,Hager E,Klepitskaya O,Ojemann S,Filley C,Dubin M, Title = Visuospatial Assessment By Virtual 3D Radial Optic Flow Illusion In Healthy Aging, Mild Alzheimer's Disease (AD), And Pre-Deep-Brain Stimulation (DBS) Parkinson Disease (PD) Subjects. Abstract A-316-0002-01523, Year = 2011, Booktitle = Poster 99. 37th Annual North American Neuro-ophthalmology Society Meeting, Month = February }
@inproceedings{ Roh_Effect_10, Author = M. Roh,W. Kim,Y. Kim,M. Choi, Title = Effect of Hot-Forging on Mechanical Properties of Silicon Carbide Sintered With Al2O3-Y2O3-Mgo, Year = 2010, Booktitle = Metals and Materials International, Volume = 16, Pages = 891-894 }
@inproceedings{ Jung_Fast_10, Author = S. Jung,M. Choi, Title = A Fast Culling Scheme for Deformable Object Collision Detection Using Spatial Hashing, Year = 2010, Booktitle = Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics }
@inproceedings{ Jung_Free_09, Author = S. Jung,M. Hong,M. Choi, Title = Free-Form Deformation Axis Aligned Bounding Box, Year = 2009, Booktitle = Proceedings of International Workshop on Computer Graphics, Multimedia and Security, Month = June }
@inproceedings{ Han_Virtual_09, Author = K. Han,J. Ku,K. Kim,H. Jang,J. Park,J. Kim,C. Kim,M. Choi,I. Kim,S. Kim, Title = Virtual Reality Prototype for Measurement of Expression Characteristics in Emotional Situations, Year = 2009, Booktitle = Computers in Biology and Medicine, Volume = 39, Pages = 173-179 }
@inproceedings{ Jung_Balanced_08, Author = S. Jung,M. Choi, Title = Balanced Spatial Subdivision Method for Continuous Collision Detection, Year = 2008, Booktitle = Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics }
@inproceedings{ Hong_Enhanced_08, Author = M. Hong,S. Welch,S. Jung,M. Choi,D. Park, Title = Enhanced Second-Order Implicit Constraint Enforcement for Dynamic Simulation, Year = 2008, Booktitle = KSII Transaction on Internet and Information Systems, Volume = 2, Pages = 51-63 }
@inproceedings{ choi_JGCD_07, Author = Samuel W. J. Welch,Min Hong,John A. Trapp,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Parameter-Free Second-Order Numerical Scheme for Constrained Multibody Dynamic Systems, Year = 2007, Booktitle = Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, Month = October }
@inproceedings{ Jeon_Interactive_07, Author = Hongjun Jeon,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Interactive Motion Control of Deformable Objects Using Localized Optimal Control, Year = 2007, Booktitle = Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Month = April }
@inproceedings{ Jung_Physics_07, Author = Sunhwa Jung,Hongjun Jeon,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Physics-Based Deformable Object Simulation in Ubiquitous Computing Environments, Year = 2007, Booktitle = Proceedings of International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Technologies & Applications, Month = February }
@inproceedings{ Hong_Fast_06, Author = Min Hong,Sunwha Jung,Min-Hyung Choi,Samuel Welch, Title = Fast Volume Preservation for a Mass-Spring System, Year = 2006, Booktitle = IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Month = September/October, Pages = 83-91 }
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@inproceedings{ Jeon_Controllable_06, Author = Hongjun Jeon,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Controllable simulation of deformable objects using the heuristic optimal control method, Year = 2006, Booktitle = Proceedings of 12TH International Conference on Geometry and Graphics, Month = August, Pages = 6-10 }
@inproceedings{ Hong_Protein_06, Author = Min Hong,David Osguthorpe,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Protein Simulation using Fast Volume Preservation, Year = 2006, Booktitle = Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Science Bioimformatics, Month = June }
@inproceedings{ Hong_Implicit_06, Author = Min Hong,Samuel Welch,John Trapp,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Implicit Constraint Enforcement for Rigid Body Dynamic Simulation, Year = 2006, Booktitle = Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Science Visualization and Virtual Reality, Month = June }
@inproceedings{ Hong_Fast_05, Author = Min Hong,Sunhwa Jung,Min-Hyung Choi,Samuel Welch, Title = Fast Volume Preservation for Realistic Muscle Deformation, Year = 2005, Booktitle = Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 Sketches, Month = August }
@inproceedings{ Jung_Volume_05, Author = Sunwha Jung,Min Hong,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Volume-Preserved Human Organs for Surgical Simulation, Year = 2005, Booktitle = Proceedings of Central European Multimedia and Virtual Reality Conference, Month = June }
@inproceedings{ Jung_Adaptive_05, Author = Sunwha Jung,Min Hong,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = An Adaptive Collision Detection and Resolution for Deformable Objects Using Spherical Implicit Surface, Year = 2005, Booktitle = Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Science Visualization and Virtual Reality, Month = June }
@inproceedings{ Choi_Adaptive_05, Author = Yoo-Joo Choi,Min Hong,Min-Hyung Choi,Myoung-Hee Kim, Title = Adaptive Surface Deformable Model with Shape-Preserving Spring, Year = 2005, Booktitle = Journal of Computer Animation and Virtual World, Volume = 16, Pages = 69-83 }
@inproceedings{ Hong_Effective_05, Author = Min Hong,Min-Hyung Choi,Sunhwa Jung,Samuel Welch,John Trapp, Title = Effective Constrained Dynamic Simulation Using Implicit Constraint Enforcement, Year = 2005, Booktitle = Proceedings of International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Month = April }
@inproceedings{ Hong_Intuitive_04, Author = Min Hong,Samuel Welch,Min Choi, Title = Intuitive Control of Dynamic Simulation using Improved Implicit Constraint Enforcement, Year = 2004, Booktitle = Proceedings of Asia Simulation Conference, Month = October }
@inproceedings{ Hong_Integrated_04, Author = Min Hong,Anis Karimpour-fard,Steve Russell,Lawrence Hunter, Title = Integrated Term Weighting, Visualization, and User Interface Development for Bioinformation Retrieval, Year = 2004, Booktitle = Proceedings of Asia Simulation Conference, Month = October }
@inproceedings{ Choi_Modeling_04, Author = Min Choi,Min Hong,Samuel Welch, Title = Modeling and Simulation of Sharp Creases, Year = 2004, Booktitle = Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 Sketches, Month = August }
@inproceedings{ Kim_Improved_04, Author = Sang-Hoon Kim,Yong Ho Hwang,Hyun-Ki Hong,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = An Improved ICP Algorithm Based on the Sensor Projection for Automatic 3D Registration, Year = 2004, Booktitle = Proceedings of MICAI, Month = April, Pages = 642-651 }
@inproceedings{ Jeon_Numerical_04, Author = Hongjun Jeon,Min-Hyung Choi,Min Hong, Title = Numerical Stability and Convergence Analysis of Geometric Constraint Enforcement in Dynamic Simulation Systems, Year = 2004, Booktitle = Proceedings of International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods, Month = June }
@inproceedings{ Seo_Quantitative_04, Author = Jung-Kak Seo,Hyun-Ki Hong,Cheung-Woon Jho,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Two Quantitative Measures of Inlier Distributions for Precise Fundamental Matrix Estimation, Year = 2004, Booktitle = Pattern Recognition Letter, Volume = 25 }
@inproceedings{ Chariton_Enhancing_04, Author = Craig Chariton,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Enhancing Usability of Flight and Air Fare Search Functions for Airline and Travel Web Sites, Year = 2004, Booktitle = Proceedings of IEEE ITCC 2004: 5th International Conference on Information Technology -Coding and Computing, Web and Information Retrieval Technologies, Month = April, Pages = 320-325 }
@inproceedings{ Hong_Constraint_04, Author = Min Hong,Min-Hyung Choi,Chris Lee, Title = Constraint-Based Contact Analysis between Deformable Objects, Year = 2004, Booktitle = Proceedings of International Conference on Computational Science Visualization and Virtual Reality, Month = June }
@inproceedings{ Hong_Intuitive_03, Author = Min Hong,Ravi Yelluripati,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Intuitive Control of Deformable Object Simulation using Geometric Constraints, Year = 2003, Booktitle = Proceedings of International Conference on Imaging Science, Systems, and Technology, Month = June }
@inproceedings{ Hong_Integrated_03, Author = Min Hong,Anis Kairmpour-fard,Steve Russell,Lawrence Hunter, Title = Integrated Term Weighting, Visualization, and User Interface Development for Bioinformation Retrieval, Year = 2003, Booktitle = Proceedings of The first Rocky Mountain Regional Bioinformatics Meeting }
@inproceedings{ Kim_Texture_02, Author = Wonjoong Kim,Young-Wook Kim,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Texture Development and Phase Transformation in Liquid-Phase Sinistered SIC Ceramics, Year = 2002, Booktitle = Journal of Material Science Forum, Volume = 408-412, Pages = 1693-1698 }
@inproceedings{ Choi_Adaptive_02, Author = Yoo-Joo Choi,Min Hong,Min-Hyung Choi,Myoung-Hee Kim, Title = Adaptive Mass-Spring Simulation Using Surface Wavelet, Year = 2002, Booktitle = Proceedings of International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia, Month = September }
@inproceedings{ Kim_Itterative_02, Author = Sang-Hoon Kim,Jung-Kak Seo,Hyun-Ki Hong,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Iterative Registration of Multiple 3D Data Sets Using Covariance Matrix, Year = 2002, Booktitle = Proceedings of International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia, Month = September }
@inproceedings{ Chariton_User_02, Author = Craig Chariton,Min-Hyung Choi, Title = User Interface Guidelines for Enhancing Usability of Airline Travel Angency E-Commerce Web Site, Year = 2002, Booktitle = Proceedings of ACM Computer Human Interaction, Month = April }
[ Bibtex ]
@inproceedings{ Choi_Biomedical_02, Author = Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Biomedical Computing and Visualization, Year = 2002, Booktitle = Butcher Symposium in Genomics and Bio-technology, Month = November }
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@inproceedings{ Choi_Collision_02, Author = Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Collision and Contact Modeling between Deformable Tissues for Surgical Simulation in Virtual Environements, Year = 2002, Booktitle = Proceedings of Workshop on Computer Graphics and Visualization for Medical and Bioinformatics Application, Month = October }
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@inproceedings{ Choi_Virtual_01, Author = Min-Hyung Choi,Jinah Park, Title = Virtual Reality and Medical Applications Course Note, Year = 2001, Booktitle = KAIST Press }
@inproceedings{ Choi_Geometrically_00, Author = Min-Hyung Choi,James F. Cremer, Title = Geometrically-Aware Interactive Object Manipulation, Year = 2000, Booktitle = The Journal of Eurographics Computer Graphics Forum, Volume = 19, Pages = 65-76 }
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@inproceedings{ Choi_Virtual_99, Author = Min-Hyung Choi, Title = Virtual Interaction on World Wide Web, Year = 1999, Booktitle = Proceedings of the UKC Conference, Month = August }
@inproceedings{ Choi_Geometric_99, Author = Min-Hyung Choi,James F. Cremer, Title = Geometric Awareness for Interactive Object Manipulation, Year = 1999, Booktitle = Proceedings of the Graphics Interface, Month = May }
@inproceedings{ Choi_Interactive_99, Author = Min-Hyung Choi,James F. Cremer, Title = Interactive Manipulation of Articulated Objects with Geometry Awareness, Year = 1999, Booktitle = Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference of Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Month = April }